Tues Oct.
Two by Two
Man, pouring cats and chicks around here. Really put a dent
in our outdoor thang, but we managed to make a few hits.
Regrouped here in Grass Valley in the am, (cakes swung like
Count Basie!), and then we headed to Auburn for an assembly
at E V Cain Middle School, a full gymnasium of antsy kids.
However, we managed to ease them with some cow bop swingin
and an impromptu yodel and drum battle. (You had to be there).
It was sorta nostalgic for me, after all, seventh grade
was the best six years of my life! Met up with Angie from
the arts council, she donated a healthy pledge (wow! thanks!)and
set us up with a show tonight at the Club Car, an outta
sight bar in Auburn. Met up with some great folks, played
acoustic (Mikey doing his Johann Sebastian Box thang) and
we raised a bit more for the trip south. But not before
we headed back to Maggie's to save on the hotel dough. I
don't know for sure, but if we don't get movin, we might
have to move in somewhere (which isn't the worst thing that
could happen). A gut feeling tells me we'll be here more
and that this is prime JazzMasters territory, look for some
regional action before too long
keep our fingers crossed!
We're hopin that it'll be dry enough to play a short
memorial in Rough and Ready at Pammy's dad's grave before
the southward swig, but if not, we'll do it the next time,
and from the indications and response, it'll be sooner
than later.
Just like the original gold rush, California's real riches
are its people, their spirit, a willingness to stick their
neck out and go with the flow, to take chances on a bunch
of crazy-but well-minded-gypsies, and a pioneering sprit
that is so tangible you can almost grab it in your hand.
That and the natural beauty
if only those miner-guys
could've seen it through all in their avarice for the
metal, the land itself (along with the peeps) proved to
be the real gold. Monuments to days gone by stand testament
to the future and a hopefulness that embraces both the
change and the legacy that pervades this corridor.
Song by song, note by note and mile by mile we also find
ourselves not only leaving a part of ourselves but taking
a some of all this with us, reminded of why we do all
this in the first place. Our world might not be one of
security, and even like the very unsettled quality of
the weather, it reminds us of Noah, two by two by two,
yet we remain ever faithful to our mission. We'll see
you in our dreams
Due to popular demand, we have decided to give folks a
detailed accounting of the Challenge, that way you can
all ride the edge with us
10/19 |
Earned Pledges (on
$100 (seed money)
$191 (Coopers)
$89 (Club Car)
$46 breakfast
$5 (tis & bits)
$3 its & bits
$37 food
$49 (1)
$300 Art Council of Placer County |
$380 |
$91 |
$349 |
In-pocket total: $289