Mon Oct. 18th
It All Relative(s)
Saved by the mom-in law, that's the story today, you know
the story: What's the difference between in-laws and outlaws?
Outlaws are wanted! Well, that don't hold no water today!
Maggie, (PintoPammy's mom) fed us and has offered to house
the whole darn band for the night
lap of luxury, at
least compared to our normal "Challenge' housing. Maybe
we ought to rethink the whole routing thing, but the history
is a compelling call.
Well, we woke up in a picturesque little site up in the
mountains, the Butte Resort, in a burg called Sierra City.
Everyone surrendered their money and we pulled out the
ceremonial Ben Franklin and ambled across the street for
breakfast at the Buckhorn. It was a rustic place with
good home cookin, wow! Tried out my luck, suggested that
we play for it, but, since we were the only ones there,
I guess they needed the dough as much as we did, so after
a long chat, we paid the check, and voila, they made a
pledge to JazzMasters
how cool is that?!
That part of the gold country is absolutely breathtaking,
the Yuba river snakes its way down to the foothills, the
fall color is breathtaking, the trees are majestic and
the air: crystal clear in its autumn crispness. Stopped
in Downieville, a historic spot, came within 11 votes
of being California's capitol in the early 50's (1850's
that is), what a time that must have been. Stopped by
for a quick (very brief) hang at the gallows there, no
where to play, and swingin is not as intriguing when a
rope is involved.
Made it down the river to Nevada City and cased the place
out, readied ourselves for the hit tonight and went over
to Maggie's pad. Cozy Dog headed out into the expansive
forest out back and the rest of us settled in for a rest
before playing.
Man, Nevada City is a swingin place, the hit at Coopers
was great. We were very well received met some seriously
cool peeps and played all night. They were overly generous
and set us straight for the long road ahead,. This town
has a lot of nite life and people who know their stuff,
they sung along with a lot of our more obscure tunes
be back. Thanks to all, especially Mikail Graham, who
put it all together and Bill Douglass, bassist extraordinaire
and longtime pal, who hooked us up with everything
we'll be back!
Well folks, adios, got an early seat at the breakfast
table, Maggie's cookin cakes, and we'll need it for the
long dusty trail ahead.
Due to popular demand, we have decided to give folks a
detailed accounting of the Challenge, that way you can
all ride the edge with us
10/18 |
Earned Pledges (on
$100 (seed money)
$191 (Coopers)
$46 breakfast
$5 (tis & bits) |
$49 (1) |
$291 |
$51 |
$49 |
In-pocket total: $240