Hour 1
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Hour 11
Hour 12
Hour 13

Hour 14
Hour 15
Hour 16
Hour 17
Hour 18
Hour 19
Hour 20
Hour 21
Hour 22
Hour 23
Hour 24
Hour 25

13th hour: 11 people

Swing 42, django again, can’t get away from that guy. kids are stirring, complaining about the comestibles. Herbie just hipped me to the proper arithmetic, we are now approaching the halfway point, the proverbial tritone of the jam-a-thon, bt, who’s counting anyway?

Brice: I see it everywhere, kids, exhausted, wasted, done whatever you like. BUT (!) we must prevail, for we are, actually well uhh… I don’t know that us kids serve much of a purpose. Dozing off… Woah Bruce can swing, who would’ve guessed? Ya I’m rambling, I can feel it I’m loosing more and more self control my body lies over the ocean… WHAT!? I’m going mad… My fellow colleagues suggest my sanity… Not very highly… Highly what? You better get off this thing before you start making sense.

Brice, what can I say? Sorry