Hour 1
Hour 2
Hour 3
Hour 4
Hour 5
Hour 6
Hour 7
Hour 8
Hour 9
Hour 10
Hour 11
Hour 12
Hour 13

Hour 14
Hour 15
Hour 16
Hour 17
Hour 18
Hour 19
Hour 20
Hour 21
Hour 22
Hour 23
Hour 24
Hour 25

15th hour: 10 people

Ross is out cold, actually, warm, he’s curled up on the floor next to the heater vent. Band is swingin though, Nostalgia in Times Square, Mingus with coffee and donuts, now that’s the jazz diet, although with all these guitars, it could be the Chet Atkins diet.

Michael: Mom showed up too late for pictures during solos but still made us fake it. Brice is psyched because the bass has little white dots that tells him where the chords are. . .CHEATER!!! Also I must inform you the reader that Bruce is a liar. Ross left a half an hour before Bruce wrote the above message. . . Shame on him!!! I’m psyched because my mom is gonna bring me food that isn’t made of 95% sugar or has a Krispy Kreme’s label on the package containing it. . . or both!